Kiddee Design
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Delivery via Private Transportation Flash,J&T Shipping cost depends on the weight of the goods and the area of delivery.
You can rest assured that the product has been checked for the best quality of products and packaging boxes for delivery to you. Delivery by Thai Post Company
Simply wait for the goods to be picked up and check the packaging boxes when they are delivered to you.
If the item packaging box is found Notify the courier immediately and be able to refuse receiving the goods before opening the package.
After opening the packaging box. If the product is found to be broken, notify the courier immediately or notify the company no later than 3 days from the date of receipt at Line customer service line: @sbdesignsquare or 02-666-1555 (during business hours and days).
Remark : Ktc reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of delivery without prior notice.
Thank you for entrusting our products as part of your happy space.
หากพบปัญหาเกี่ยวกับสินค้ากรุณาติดต่อได้ที่ LINE: @sbdesignsquare
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